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Wednesday, December 25, 2019

How The Other Half Lives By Edward Bellamy - 1111 Words

Throughout the 1890’s to the 1920’s the Progressive Era was a period of social activism and political reform in the United States. It was also a period of explosive economic growth, fueled by increasing industrial production, a rapid rise in population, and the continued expansion of the consumer market place. The main objective of the progressive movement was illuminating the presence of corruption in government (Foner, 2017). During the 1880’s there were two very influential works published during the earliest moments of the Progressive Era. In the novel â€Å"Looking Backward† by Edward Bellamy, the author pinpoints the issues that he himself perceived in the social and economic systems of nineteenth century society. His novel presents an†¦show more content†¦Members of society in the 19th century were enlightened by an industrial system of private capital. Compared to a feudal, agricultural society, an industrial economy based on private capit al became a far more efficient means to produce and accumulate wealth (Bellamy, 1996). It allowed the production of cheap, mass-produced goods, so it raised the standard of living. However, the wealth that was produced as a result was placed into the hands of the privileged few. Bellamy expresses his point of view by arguing that an economy based on publicly owned capital would strengthen the characteristics that 19th century society members admired most about their industrial system (Bellamy, 1996). He believed that his ideal society would be more efficient. For example, labor would never be inactive, and supply would far more closely match demand. He argued that the frequent gluts, shortages, strikes, and business failures under an economic system run on competition are immense wastes that would be eliminated under a system based on communal cooperation (Bellamy, 1996). In â€Å"How the Other Half Lives†, Riis wrote his novel to inform members of society of the terrible living conditions of more than half of New York City s residents. He described the cheap construction of the tenements, the high rents, and the absentee landlords. He protested the city s ineffectual laws and urged private enterprise to provideShow MoreRelated Conditions and Effects of the Evolving Electronic Economy on Labor3644 Words   |  15 Pagesand bankers? Hung them all, perhaps, as the anarchists wanted to do in my day?† â€Å"Not so bad as that,† replied Dr. Leete. â€Å"We have simply dispensed with them. Their functions are obsolete in the modern world.† (60) Looking Backward by Edward Bellamy, 1887 Edward Bellamy’s futuristic conception of commerce in the 21st century unintentionally created a surprisingly accurate representation of the emerging electronic economy. The use of computer technology and the internet is allowing the creationRead MoreThe Representation of Colonized People in Rudyard Kipling’s Poem â€Å"the White Man’s Burden†: an Unrealistic Representation3227 Words   |  13 Pagesin the poem from Edward Said’s perspective, one can find out that it is just a misrepresentation. And through Kipling’s accusation of camouflaging the atrocity of the imperial vision by this misrepresentation, it is clear that the real reason behind this unrealistic image is empowering the cultural hegemony of the colonizer. 1- The analysis 2.1- Defining Edward Said’s notion of representation. People can be able to understand the complex world in which we live through language andRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 Pagesof the New York City Landscape Gerda Lerner, Fireweed: A Political Autobiography Allida M. Black, ed., Modern American Queer History Eric Sandweiss, St. Louis: The Evolution of an American Urban Landscape Sam Wineburg, Historical Thinking and Other Unnatural Acts: Charting the Future of Teaching the Past Sharon Hartman Strom, Political Woman: Florence Luscomb and the Legacy of Radical Reform Michael Adas, ed., Agricultural and Pastoral Societies in Ancient and Classical History Jack Metzgar

Monday, December 16, 2019

The And Its Effects On The World Of The Kingdom Of Kirith

The time was the 6010s in the Kingdom of Kirith where hundreds of animals lived known as the Pure Heartless, each with pure black fur, scraggly ears, and citrine eyes. The Heartless lived in peace until one day, a baby heartless named Clementine was born with something so distinct it made other Heartless back away in fear: this heartless was born with colored fur. Known to many, having colored fur was common and accepted kingdom-wide in many nations during the Spectrum Era, where the creatures called Humans had created this eccentric phenomena. That is not the case in the present day, however, for having any color on your fur was akin to those who practiced witchcraft upon the victim which would leave he or she stricken with a contagious physical or mental abnormality. The guards took Clementine with her parent’s permission and locked her away in a cold, dark cellar where she would stay until the disgusting color has shed itself from her fur. Much to the community’s del ight, the color had corrected itself within a ten year period. Clementine was allowed to rejoin her family, but she was a very different being than when she was first imprisoned. At first, she would not talk. She sat in corners of her house and looked at walls, doors, the floor, anything that would allow her to distance herself from others in the room. She would run her fingers along the edgings, creating drawings in such detail that it created a sense of beauty and wonder in her, making small grunts every

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Performance Appraisal Summary free essay sample

Jeff Stinson November 2, 2009 In Learning Team C this week we discussed the differences between the two appraisal systems that we chose, the difficulties in evaluating team performance, the unique needs of a team appraisal system, and how important team motivations and expectations are. Appraisal systems are used to determine how employees at an organization are performing. There are many types of appraisal systems to use in determining employee performance levels. In our discussions we were using the performance appraisal system and the team appraisal system. Differences Between Appraisal Systems There are quite a few notable differences in the individual appraisal system and the team appraisal system. The individual appraisal is more focused and specific, testing the individuals aptitude on a number of specific objectives. We feel the team appraisal would need to be more results-oriented, because different members would ring unique skills to the table. Both would be set up about the same way, but the team appraisal would be more geared towards questions about the persons performance and communication skills. We will write a custom essay sample on Performance Appraisal Summary or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Individual appraisals are more one sided and provide detail of how all employees will be viewed by the company. There is room for bias perception because the perception is based on what the evaluator receives from the appraisal. We also discovered in our two appraisal systems that we were comparing that a team appraisal would provide an evaluation from all team embers points of view. Difficulties Evaluating Team Performance The difficulties that we found with evaluating team performances would have to be the honesty of the people in the team. Most of the time you have people in the team who you know are going to be the slacker, and then those who Just step in and take control of the situation. As was pointed out by one of our team members in most group settings when asked to perform an appraisal on other teammates performance one normally will Just fill out that everyone performed the same. Most times if there is a difference in ratings, then that difference has to be explained, and no one wants to be the person who has to talk about others badly. Team members may tend to hide deficiencies of other members. This would really only be an issue if the teams performance is lacking in some regard. If the team is performing well, then theres really not a reason to question if any particular teammate is lacking in an area if the other members are able to make up for it. A good team will be able to take up any lack work and make sure it gets done. Unique Needs of a Team Appraisal System The unique needs of a team appraisal system would be to focus on their unique needs on a case-by-case basis. The interpersonal skills are very important in a team setting. Most team members are appraised on their abilities to communicate with other team members. Team Motivations and Expectations Motivation in a team is very important. As we all agreed in our discussions positive feedback and encouragement definitely heighten motivation in each employee. It is critical for the team and its members to know when their performance is lacking, and to also be given positive feedback when they do something well. Team motivation in our opinion is linked to proper feedback. The team expectations would have to be that everyone would do their best to get assignments in on time. We also expect every team member to show respect to other teammates when posting comments in the team forum. Lastly, we expect our team members to work together efficiently for the good of team.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Rabbit, Run Review Essay Example

Rabbit, Run Review Paper Essay on Rabbit, Run Thank you for the experience! Krizisosoznanie a vast subject not only to modern literature, but also sociology. Already in the 20th century, some psychiatrists have noticed symptoms of unbridled lust practice in humans, which civilization has closed all the way to carry out a similar initiative. And heres another: the consciousness of the patient, however, is nevertheless material for clinical analysis. And the theory of the modern era opened in the presence of its negative potential, which threatens to blow up the whole edifice of human culture, if the funds are found not to weaken or discharging of this voltage are scientifically false theories, which keep all the features of the class mythology. And yet it can be trusted as a human document, which expresses the time of illness. The negative potential and the associated moral issue not fiction, they do exist: And if today a significant But the facts are rezltate radical senseless and merciless evil How and where everything is gro wing Here tsitatka just about it.. layer freedmen capitalism lives quite satisfying, these people every day feel their insignificance. Thats why they intoxicate themselves novelty consumption chasing prestige, and avenge the other, aware of its impotence. All these psychological symptoms are now described in countless books and articles, which will soon be studied by the methods of statistics. Hence the mass consciousness of incompleteness of life, or, as they say today, confusion among cultures, Who is the author and what the article you promise very surprised from the following link.: Rabbit, Run Review Essay Example Rabbit, Run Review Paper Essay on Rabbit, Run Since reading this book, I did not take into account the sentence of the summary, states that the Rabbit, Run perhaps the most violent book Updike. Why are cruel like, Updike is not so bloodthirsty writer? I thought, based on the impression from reading to Rabbit, Centaur and Lets get married. En-no! Rights was the author of the summary The beginning of the book does not portend anything wrong. On the contrary, even exciting. Updike tells about the events in real time. Personally, I really like this technique in my opinion, is the most effective means to make the reader a direct participant in the action. And now, behold, the feeling is, if you walk in the tracks of Harry-Rabbit. More precisely, do not go, and you run. Yes, the title chosen very precisely. All events here this is a big race. And on top, this race still looks like a baton from one point to another, but in the end no longer resembles ulepotyvanie -. To nowhere We will write a custom essay sample on Rabbit, Run Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Rabbit, Run Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Rabbit, Run Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Harry Angstrom 26 years, but his life has seemed over. He has a wife and child. But his wife an alcoholic, and Harry despises her. He has a job. But the work is to promote a miracle-grater, and Harry feels there myself completely at ease. And, yet, there, all hes got! But there is one thing the future. This is something one day and realizes Rabbit and begins to run. On the whole, Harry utterly unremarkable, ordinary man. But he has a talent he likes people -. Yes, everything you love suddenly declares Ruth -. Id like to know what -. I created to love me -. What the hell was you What you so special - I am a mystic, I give people confidence But. me mysticism Rabbit had no effect. At first I sympathized with Harry (confused people are tired of this life), and then at some point ceased to understand it, and then did the hero began to call me a sharp antipathy. And read a book, which you wildly annoying main character, you see, hard. While reading this work difficult in principle. I love Updike for his observation, for how subtly he notices the smallest features, signs of a condition of the person. But this talent with a light hand of the master turns into his arms. Already from the middle of the book begins environment heavier. The apogee of the death of a newborn baby gets from his own mothers hands. adds fuel to the fire and ambiguous description Updike attraction Harry to his women. It may, of course, the whole point of my limitations, but I was not easy to perceive the tender feelings of the hero to the woman, expressed his admiration for the fact that she was lying under a blanket as a large dead animal . Of course, in any case can not be hung on the book labels good or bad. Of course, Rabbit, Run deserves attention (no matter how how, it is the recognition Updike began with Rabbit). But probably you need to be pretty cool person to read it and do not experience the moral implications. I was going to read the entire tetralogy, but enough for me only this, the first part. And then, and then I had to treat from the doldrums these mood podnimatelyami as Anything is possible, baby and Notes of the bride of the programmer. Like departed:)

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Judges and the Fugitive Slave Act essays

Judges and the Fugitive Slave Act essays Judges in the 18th and 19th century were often faced with a conflict regarding laws on fugitive slaves. Many held the opinion that slavery was wrong, but at the time the constitution did not prohibit slavery. In this essay I will first show the positivist argument, that law and morality are separate and their view of the Clause and the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850. Next, I will explain Anthony Seboks side, which uses Dworkins interpretation model of adjudication for a different reading of the laws. The debate I will analyze is between Robert Cover and Anthony Sebok. They argue different ways to read the Fugitive Slave Clause in the Constitution and the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 I will then argue in favor of Sebok and show why I agree that the 1850 Fugitive Slave Act was unconstitutional. A positivist would say that law and morality are separate, and this must be reflected in judges decisions. Robert Cover supports this view. Cover analyzes Judges in the 18th and 19th centuries covering Fugitive Slave cases and in particular Judge Shaw. Cover says Judge Shaw was faced with a moral-formal dilemma. He says, referring to Shaw, he sees himself as torn between moral and legal duties. On the one hand, he believes slavery is immoral. On the other, he believes he is bound to uphold the rule of law (Cover, 148). Since each state was allowed to make their own laws on slavery, the moral-formal dilemma and the choice between the demands of the role and the voice of conscience (Cover, 153) is created. A positivist argues that judges must uphold the Constitution and the Fugitive Slave Acts in these cases. The Fugitive Slave Clause in the United States can be interpreted in different ways depending on political morality or personal beliefs. The Clause in the constitution rea ds: No person held to Service or Labor in one State, under the Laws thereof, escaping into another, shall, in consequenc...

Friday, November 22, 2019

How to Be a Good Freelance Writer

How to Be a Good Freelance Writer How to Be a Good Freelance Writer A freelance writer is a self-employed basis position that may include wide specter of writing activity. Usually, these people are not attached to one employer and work on two and more projects simultaneously. However, a freelance writer can build relations with a particular company that orders written content on a regular basis. Speaking about how to be a freelance writer, it is important to keep in mind that the job requires high self-discipline, excellent time-management skills, as the salary is heavily dependent on writer’s own productivity and motivation. Becoming a freelancer is challenging because this profession demands the ability to operate with priorities, self-organizing and constant self-improvement. Currently, there are thousands of office-based job places, but being a full-time freelance writer is not an easy thing to do. People choose this job either for part-time hobby or for an additional source of money. However, this occupation requires the specific set of skills or abilities which can help a person to be a successful freelancer, and create positive reputation and respect-worthy portfolio. First of all, being a good writer means being an expert in grammar, punctuation, and stylistic nuances. Moreover, the wide and rich vocabulary is a must for a writer, as it is the main instrument for making money. The writer’s profession requires deep expertise in the discussed topic and excellent knowledge of appropriate terminology. With preparation to becoming a freelancer a person has to consider following notes: Decide the direction to develop the text, either it is fiction or nonfiction, or even both. It is also worth mentioning that nonfiction genre, that corresponds with analytical or informative articles, is much easier to sell to people than imaginative papers. Thus, it is necessary to keep this in mind when making a choice, because in this way the writer has more job offers, consequently, more opportunities to earn money. A candidate for a freelance job should know why he or she needs this job. Whether there is a desire to write to make money for living, to get some extra money, or just for pleasure and self-education. The outcome of the choice can affect the level of efforts that a person needs to put into the freelance operations. Full-time workers apply additional force into their vocation than those who seek for extra cash. If a person has a diploma in the related field, it is important to that knowledge when necessary. In the modern freelance market, there are many people who cannot guarantee proficient expertise on specific topics. However, the academic degree can help person be a certified professional who can give the appropriate level of analysis towards specific topics. Finally, it is possible to conclude that a future writer should work on the personal portfolio. Thus, a freelance candidate should collect best-written pieces of text, however, unpublished texts are also worth the attention. However, he or she ought to adjust the portfolio for each job according to position requirements. For instance, it is not necessary to show poems if a person wants to get a job in writing analytical articles and essays in politics.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Final Reflection Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Final Reflection Paper - Essay Example I consider the 2nd reflection as the most significant of the three with the reason that it builds the foundation of Christian understanding that were it not for Christ’s sacrifice, mankind could have perished in sin. It is through Christ’s redemption that all these things such as peace, forgiveness, justice, and life were granted to us. Considering that Christianity is the major religion in focus, all issues addressed in the course are based on the fact that all human beings are created in God’s image and thus have to do what is expected of them by God and what pleases him most. No person is superior to another and that guarantees equality in all spheres of life. Violating human rights as well as disrespecting others is sinful and against the teachings of Christ. Generally, all religions have some principles and beliefs that may be in common regarding humanity, thus they should act in unison to establish peace and seek for justice whenever necessary (Moore 440). The course has also taught me the biggest lesson that for all the above to be achieved, each individual has an obligation to act responsibly and account for his or her action. Self respect, morality, and repentance are the building blocks of peaceful co-existence. How the Christian doctrine, â€Å"God hates sin† provides resources that help Christians to respond to the global concern of Justice In one way or another, every human being has sinned against God, straight from the time of Creation in Genesis. Several Biblical teachings act as resources for teaching believers that God really hate sin and he punishes evil deeds. This is seen from Lot’s story when God turned her into a salt pillar on her way from Sodom. This was due to the crime of a backward glance, according to chapter 19 of Genesis. When a Christian reads this story, he gets to question himself if the act of turning back to look at her home really deserved a death punishment. Similarly, in Acts 5, when Anan ias and Sapphira lied to the apostles, God stroke them to death in the midst of the entire church. Believers tend to struggle to get an understanding on how something that seems so minor could result into a severe judgment. One of the most fundamental tenets of justice is that the given punishment must be in line with the crime committed. This reminds Christians that God hates sin and that their actions qualify them for eternal sentence of sin. According to the doctrine, â€Å"God hates sin,† sin is any act of treason against the only judge of the universe and the sovereign lawgiver. Sin is described as ungodliness, rebellion, wickedness, abomination, ad lawlessness. In this sense therefore, sinners are traitors, who refuse to think, love, obey, and serve God who endowed them with breath, life, and everything on earth (Tiessen 249). Those who sin spurn the love of God, despise his sovereignty, look at his commandments with contempt, and mock his justice. God finds our sins mo rally revolting, cruel, monstrous, issues that are a reality. If people cannot view their sins the way God views them, then it stands to reason that they do not see the just judgment the way he sees it. Clearly, Christians live by this established principle that the seriousness of an offense is measured by its inherent nature as well as by the one offended. Our sins have offended a holy and glorious being and

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The power of optimism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The power of optimism - Essay Example One also realized that through personal experiences, as well as the experiences relayed by other people, there are valid supports to the contention that the power of optimism is real as it could open more opportunities that could lead to success. First and foremost, one affirms that I am an optimist, by nature. However, I am also a realist. In facing different situations, I assume a positive stance that everything would come out right. If they don’t, I believe that the challenges are made to be encountered to learn something new and good from them – thus, still making us better in the end. I have proven the power of optimism through the experience of my aunt. After a decade of productive career as a bank manager, she lost her job at the midst of a great financial strain since her husband had been diagnosed with diabetes and chronic kidney failure and they have six children to support. Fortunately, she was also an optimist. Rather than being depressed, anxious, and troubled, she sought to find other employment opportunities that would enable her to work at home and attend to both her husband’s and children’s needs. She acknowledged that since more opportunities are being made available through the online medium, she could use her skills in becoming a freelance writer. She eventually found a job as a freelance writer; doubled and even tripled her earnings, and was able to do everything without having to leave the comforts of their home. As such, the loss of one job was viewed, not as an end of a career; but as a blessing in disguise. Through the power of optimism, she did not lose hope in finding a more productive employment which enabled her to address their financial needs, the health requirements of her husband, and the educational support for their six children. Clearly, the power of optimism brings forth new

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Ethical Treatment of Animals Essay Example for Free

The Ethical Treatment of Animals Essay Utilitarianism values equality of all interest parties. It is on the principle that when making a decision, thorough consideration on the consequent cost and benefit must be made, and it is on the basis of impartial consideration of all related interest parties that the final decision should be made. Rights-based ethics, however, value the right of individuals. It is more like individualism. It is on the principle that when making a decision, whether the right of individuals or groups will be upheld or violated should be evaluated, and it is on the basis of the benefit maximization of certain individuals or groups that the final decision should be made. The major conflict between utilitarian and rights-based moral reasoning lies in the conflict between the right of one party and the whole party. Utilitarian accepts and sometimes requires the sacrifice of the right of one individual or a small group for the well being of a bigger group. This is absolutely an absurd decision in rights-based moral reasoning. For example, in the spelunking case, a utilitarian would detonate the dynamite to save 19 lives at the sacrifice of the one stuck in the hole, while the decision made on rights-based moral reasoning will be not to detonate the dynamite. This is because according to utilitarianism the benefit of detonating the dynamite is way too higher than the cost, while in rights-based moral reasoning by detonating the dynamite the right of the one who got stuck will be violated. In my opinion, the â€Å"crime† of killing fighting dogs is acceptable in right-based moral reasoning but is unacceptable in Utilitarianism. According to the utilitarian moral reasoning, the sacrifice of the interest of a smaller group is acceptable for the good of a bigger group. However, in this case, if dogs count as one group, the sacrifice of the poorly performing dogs is no necessary requirement of the survival of other fighting dogs, nor of the livelihood of any human group. If they do not count as one group , the people who love dogs must count, the behavior of killing dogs would hurt their feelings, so when impartial consideration of all related interest parties is made, the cost of letting these dogs live must be less than the benefit. Therefore, the behavior of killing dogs is against the Utilitarianism values. Rights-based ethics, nevertheless, defends the right of any individual or group, and the  duty is not taken into consideration. Just like the defender’s said, the dogs are Vick’s property, and he can do what he like to them, despite the fact that he also has the duty to take good care of them. Even though there is no doubt the right to live is one of the most fundamental rights of any creature, the right-based moral reasoning are for the right of human, dogs, sadly, are not included. So when this right-based moral system is at work, any kind of disposal of one’s property is acceptable. That is why I say the â€Å"crime† of Vick the â€Å"crime† of killing fighting dogs is acceptable in right-based moral reasoning but is unacceptable in Utilitarianism.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Iagos Manipulative Nature in Shakespeares Othello Essay examples --

Iago's Manipulative Nature in Othello    Iago's manipulative nature has a profound effect on the decisions made by other characters in Shakespeare's ‘Othello’. Through his relations with those around him Shakespear characterizes him as a man full of malice, vengeance and dishonesty that is wholly inspired by jealousy. Furthermore it would appear that Iago has an exceptional ability to scheme, a talent which he uses to snake his way into the lives of others and exploit them through their weaknesses. Whether he does this for profit or for pleasure is a separate issue. Throughout the course of the play, Iago crosses the path of each major character we encounter. Though his effect varies according to characters, he is a presence in the life of each. Rodrigo, Othello and Desdemona who each allow Iago to demonstrate his capacity for manipulation. Using Rodrigo as a tool, Iago discovers that Othello’s passion for Desdemona to also be his weakness and eventual downfall. Latching on to this notion Iago’s uses it to his advantage. Rodrigo is a mere pawn in Iago's master plan with him being used as a back up, almost like an unknowing sidekick, winning him over by providing him with false confidence regarding Desdemona. "She must change for youth. Whe... ...: Penguin, 1991. Campbell, Lily B. Shakespeare’s Tragic Heroes. New York: Barnes and Noble, Inc., 1970. Kermode, Frank. â€Å"Othello, the Moor of Venice.† The Riverside Shakespeare. Ed. G. Blakemore Evans. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1974. Mack, Maynard. Everybody’s Shakespeare: Reflections Chiefly on the Tragedies. Lincoln, NB: University of Nebraska Press, 1993. Shakespeare, William. Othello. Ed. Alfred Harbab. Middlesex, England: Penguin, 1970. Shakespeare, William. Othello. In The Electric Shakespeare. Princeton University. 1996. http://www.eiu.edu/~multilit/studyabroad/othello/othello_all.html No line nos.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Debt versus Equity Financing Paper Essay

In the accounting industry. funding remains an of import construct. as many organisations are reliant on them for fiscal stableness and length of service. Although there are a overplus of funding options and types to take from. the focal point of the work will go around around debt and equity funding. These two normally used signifiers of funding are of import as they are both alone in how they are utilised. The writer of this piece will turn to these two funding options while supplying illustrations of each and turn toing which capital construction is most advantageous. Debt Financing Debt funding is the procedure of borrowing money from a loaner such as a bank. These fundings option comes in the signifiers of loans both secure and unbarred. â€Å"Security involves a signifier of collateral as an confidence the loan will be repaid. If the debitor defaults on the loan. that collateral is forfeited to fulfill payment of the debt† ( Entrepreneur. 2014. p. 1 ) . In most instances a loaner will inquire for some clip of security on a loan and least frequently times will impart based on name acknowledgment or position. One of the most common beginnings of debt funding is seen within startup concerns where debt funding is frequently provided by friends and household alternatively of commercial loaning establishments. â€Å"When borrowing money from relations or friends. hold your lawyer pull up legal documents ordering the footings of the loan. as formalistic documentation† ( Entrepreneur. 2014. p. 1 ) . Another signifier of debt funding that is most common occurs with recognition cards through a recognition line. Recognition cards are used to supply a manner to concerns to acquire several 1000s of dollars rapidly without traveling through the fusss of acquiring approved for a loan and make fulling out huge sum of paperwork ( Entrepreneur. 2014 ) . Though this method is really popular it is of import to take note that the involvement can roll up if non monitored as this debt can add up rapidly. Equity Financing Unlike debt funding. equity financing involves raising capital through selling portions within the concern. â€Å"Equity financing basically refers to the gross revenues of an ownership involvement to raise financess for concern purposes† ( Investopedia. 2013. p. 1 ) . This signifier of funding does non merely include selling common equity but it besides consists of selling preferable stock. exchangeable preferable stock. and warrants. When a startup company additions success it will achieve equity as it evolves. Since startups attract a huge sum of investors at different phases of the company’s development rhythm. different signifiers of equity are used for the business’s fiscal demands. Convertible stock is comprised out as a loan. which the company is obligated to refund and if company meets the specified benchmark in footings of public presentation. the unpaid balance of that loan is so converted into an equity interest in the concern ( Merritt. 2013 ) . Companies can besides achieve capital by selling portions to investors. â€Å"This allows a company to give up a piece of itself as a manner to raise money to finance growing. Small. in private held companies sell portions to private investors. who so hold equity within the company† ( Merritt. 2013. p. 1 ) . This is one of the quickest manner for obtain capital to finance growing for a concern. particularly if it goes public. Decision Though both of these methods of funding are good for a concern to turn and obtain capital it is of import to admit which of these signifiers are most advantageous. In footings of raising mass sums of money for growing and concern operations. it would be most advantageous to use equity funding within the concern as this provides are manner for the concern to achieve big amounts of money by selling portions. It is of import to observe that maintaining history of the figure portions is of import as the concern needs to guarantee it maintains the bulk of 51 % of more to contradict hostile coup d'etat from rivals and other concerns. At times one funding on either head can look to hold more advantages so the following it is of import the a concern attempts to use both in order to keep balance and control of the concern for optimum success. Mentions Entrepreneur. ( 2014 ) . Debt Financing. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. enterpriser. com/encyclopedia/debt-financing Investopedia. ( 2013 ) . Equity Financing. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. investopedia. com/terms/e/equityfinancing. asp Merritt. C. ( 2013 ) . What Are Examples of Equity Financing? Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //budgeting. thenest. com/examples-equity-financing-23831. hypertext markup language

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Projectiles Practical Report

Projectiles Practical Report 1. Introduction Velocity is a vector measurement of the rate and direction of motion or, in other terms, the rate and direction of the change in the position of an object. [1] Velocity can be found many ways through various suvat Equations and their rearranged forms. For example v2=u2+2as in which the square of the final velocity can be found if you know the objects initial velocity, the acceleration and the distance travelled. Using such formulae makes it possible to test equipment, efficiently and accurately. . Aim The aim of this practical is to build and evaluate the performance of a marble launcher, this is done by first finding the velocity of the marble using the equation v2=u2+2as, this will be done by conducting an experiment to first find the vertical distance (s) the marble travels and acceleration due to gravity (a). This will then be used to find the time the marble will travel for at angles of 30o, 45o and 60o using the equation v=u=at, rear ranging this equation to find the time the marble will travel at will become, .Taking the value and doubling it will give you the time it takes to reach the peak velocity and return to rest. This value is then used to predict the range the marble will travel from a set angle via the rule Distance = Speed X Time. These distances will be compared to actual distances tested and evaluated. 3. Procedure 3. 1 Apparatus †¢ Protractor or set square †¢ Meter rule †¢ Small sand pit †¢ Safety spectacles †¢ Compression spring †¢ 1cm diameter plastic conduit †¢ 1cm diameter rubber bung to fit †¢ Marble †¢ Nail 3. 2 Method 1.Firstly the assembly of the launcher, after placing the nail through the pre-cut hole transecting the pipe, the marble is placed inside followed by the spring, the bung is fixed securely in the bottom of the pipe causing tension on the spring which is held until the pin is released. 2. Fixing the launcher to a clamp stand secures t hat during firing of the marble it will remain at the same angle. 3. Start the experiment by firing the marble vertically to find an average result for the distance the marble travels (Table 4. 1). 4. After this the results can then be used to find the Velocity of the marble. . Using the calculated velocity and suvat equations an estimation for the distance travelled by the marble and the time the marble travelled for can be found for set angles of launch measuring 30o, 45o and 60o. 6. Actual results are then compiled (Table 4. 2). 7. And compared to the estimates (Table 4. 3). 4. Results Table 4. 1: Table showing the mean height travelled by the marble Height travelled by marble (cm) 1 129 2 103 3 98 AVERAGE HEIGHT = 110cm or 1. 1m From this result the Velocity can be determined using the equation v2=u2+2as v2=02+2(9. 8Ãâ€"1. 1) 2=21. 56 v = 4. 64 ms-1 With this result for v the times for each angle can be calculated using the equation v=u=at, rearranging this equation to find the time the marble will travel will become, . and so for the angles 30o, 45o and 60o the calculations are as follows. 600) = = 0. 24s to 2 d. p 450) = = 0. 33 to 2 d. p 300) = = 0. 41 to 2 d. p To find and estimate a distance from the times found previously the value for time is used to predict the range the marble will travel from a set angle via the rule Distance = Speed X Time, speed we know to be 4. 4ms from earlier in the experiment. And time for this calculation is double that of the value found previously because we only worked out the peak velocity, doubling the time compensates for the time taken to reach the peak and the time taken to return to the sand pit. Lm 600) Distance = Speed X Time = 4. 64 x Cos60 x 0. 48 = 1. 93m 450) Distance = Speed X Time = 4. 64 x Cos45 x 0. 66 = 2. 17m 300) Distance = Speed X Time = 4. 64 x Cos30 x 0. 82 = 1. 90m These values are the estimates for the distance travelled by the marble from a launcher at set angles. Table 4. : Table showing the t esting of the launcher at set angles. Test 1 (m) Test 2 (m) Test 3 (m) Average (m) 600 1. 3 1. 4 1. 2 1. 3 450 1. 8 1. 8 1. 8 1. 8 300 1. 6 1. 6 1. 7 1. 63 The averages for each angle when calculated are then compared to the estimates made previously. Table 4. 3: Table showing the time taken, the estimated distance travelled and the actual distance travelled by the marble at set angles of trajectory. Angle of Trajectory Time (s) Estimated Distance (m) Actual Distance (m) 600 0. 24 1. 93 1. 50 450 0. 33 2. 17 1. 80 300 0. 41 1. 90 1. 65 5. Summary 5. 1 DiscussionThe practical was simple enough to evaluate the performance of a marble launcher. It did this efficiently and without major complication. The assembly of the launcher is straightforward with simple components and functions, the testing is easy to carry out, and the results found from the experiment are fairly accurate. 5. 2 Conclusion From the results it was found that the actual distance was less then the estimated distance in all three scenarios. The results did however show similarities between the two sets of data. Both sets showed a pattern where the 30o and 60o values were lower than the 45o value.These two results also appeared to be very similar values in both the estimated and actual calculations. 5. 3 Evaluation The experiments accuracy is fair but could be improved, due to the need for a person to operate the launchers release mechanism, consistency is lost during each firing of the launcher, this could be improved with a mechanical release mechanism or a different style of launcher for example a compressed air powered device. 6. Reference [1] Andrew Zimmerman Jones. 2012. Velocity – Definition of velocity. [WWW] http://physics. about. com/od/glossary/g/velocity. htm. (17 October 2012)

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Dreams of Aviation essays

Dreams of Aviation essays Ever since I was just a youngster I have always had a fascination with airplanes. When I took my first trip on an airplane I was really uneasy about it. Then they brought me into the cockpit and let me see all the instruments and we talked about how planes worked. My fears all turned into fascinations and I realized how relaxing being in the air really was. After that I was almost sure that I wanted to get involved with planes. I found out about a program that could help me become more involved with planes and maybe help me get a career in an aviation field of work. The program I got into is called Civil Air Patrol. Civil Air Patrol (CAP) is an Air Force auxiliary that carries out non-combat missions on behalf of the U.S Air force. The average age of members in my squadron is 15. The group has grown from 14 enrollees last year to 20 directly after the 9-11 disaster. The program teaches Aerospace, leadership, and general skills necessary in emergency situation. For example, the CAP is responsible for most search and rescue mission in the United States. We learn skills in mock missions called SAREXs. (Search and Rescue Excercises) I joined CAP because I wanted to develop personal discipline. CAP allows me to receive as well practice personal discipline. I earn medals when I complete assignments and tests. These medals prove that I have completed the basic skills needed to attempt more advanced aviation training programs in the near future. The program has helped improved my self-esteem and I know that I am a part of a valued team in my community. I also joined because someday I aspire to be a pilot with my own charter airplane company. In the future, joining the Air Force could help me by allowing me a chance to further my knowledge of aircraft and also experience aircraft first hand, and also help me earn flight hours. The Air Force would be a benefit to me because I would be around many others with s ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Assonance Definition and Examples

Assonance Definition and Examples Assonance is the repetition of identical or similar vowel sounds in neighboring words (as in fish and chips and bad man). Adjective: assonant. Assonance is a method of achieving emphasis and cohesion in a short stretch of text. Assonance is closely associated with internal rhyme. However, assonance differs from rhyme in that rhyme usually involves both vowel and consonant sounds. EtymologyFrom the Latin, sound Examples of Assonance If I bleat when I speak its because I just got . . . fleeced.(Al Swearengen in Deadwood, 2004)A heart no bigger than an orange seed has ceased to beat.(James Salter, Am Strande von Tanger. Collected Stories. Pan Macmillan, 2013)It beats . . . as it sweeps . . . as it cleans!(advertising slogan for Hoover vacuum cleaners, 1950s)Those images that yetFresh images beget,That dolphin-torn, that gong-tormented sea.(W.B. Yeats, Byzantium)He was soon borne away by the waves, and lost in darkness and distance.(Mary Shelley, Frankenstein, 1818)He diagnosed Camillas difficulty as indigestion, and locked himself in his cabin.(William Gaddis, The Recognitions. Harcourt Brace Company, 1955)Soft language issued from their spitless lips as they swished in low circles round and round the field, winding hither and thither through the weeds, dragging their long tails amid the rattling canisters.(James Joyce, Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, 1916)The spider skins lie on their sides, translucent a nd ragged, their legs drying in knots.(Annie Dillard, Holy the Firm, 1977) Flash with a rash gimme my cash flickin my ashRunnin with my money, son, go out with a blast.(Busta Rhymes, Gimme Some More, 1998)The law may not change the heart, but it can restrain the heartless.(Martin Luther King, Jr., address to the National Press Club on July 19, 1962)But at supper that evening when I asked him to  pass the damn ham, please, Uncle Jack pointed at me. See me afterwards, young lady, he said.(Harper Lee,  To Kill a Mockingbird, 1960)Do not go gentle into that good night,Old age should burn and rave at close of day;Rage, rage, against the dying of the light. . . .Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sightBlind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,Rage, rage against the dying of the light.(Dylan Thomas, Do not go gentle into that good night)The setting sun was licking the hard bright machine like some great invisible beast on its knees.(John Hawkes, Death, Sleep, and the Traveler, 1974)I must confess that in my quest I felt depressed and restless.(T hin Lizzy, With Love) I call her a ghastly girl because she was a ghastly girl. . . . A droopy, soupy, sentimental exhibit, with melting eyes and a cooing voice and the most extraordinary views on such things as stars and rabbits.(P.G. Wodehouse, The Code of the Woosters, 1938)In the over-mastering loneliness of that moment, his whole life seemed to him nothing but vanity.(Robert Penn Warren, Night Rider, 1939)A lanky, six-foot, pale boy with an active Adams apple, ogling Lo and her orange-brown bare midriff, which I kissed five minutes later, Jack.(Vladimir Nabokov, Lolita, 1955)Strips of tinfoil winking like people(Sylvia Plath, The Bee Meeting)The moon, like a flowerIn heavens high bower,With silent delight,Sits and smiles on the night.(William Blake, Night. Songs of Innocence, 1789) Observations Assonance, (or medial rime) is the agreement in the vowel sounds of two or more words, when the consonant sounds preceding and following these vowels do not agree. Thus, strike and grind, hat and man, rime with each other according to the laws of assonance.(J.W. Bright, Elements of English Versification, 1910)Beware of excessive assonance. Any assonance that draws attention to itself is excessive.(John Earle, A Simple Grammar of English, 1898)The terms alliteration, assonance, and rhyme identify kinds of recurring sound that in practice are often freely mixed together. . . . It may not be easy or useful to decide where one stops and another starts.(Tom McArthur, The Oxford Companion to the English Language, 1992)Rhyme, alliteration, assonance, and consonance combined often produce tongue-twisting linguistics. Big Punishers Twinz includes this couplet . . .: Dead in the middle of little Italy / Little did we know that we riddled a middle man who didnt know diddly. . . . Keying in on a single sound, he runs a staggering series of rhyme variations (middle, little, riddled, middle, diddly), which he further builds upon with consonance (d) and assonance (i) and alliteration (d and l). This is what happens when a poet is in complete control of his rhymes.(Adam Bradley, Book of Rhymes: The Poetics of Hip Hop. BasicCivitas, 2009) Pronunciation: ASS-a-nins Also Known As: medial rhyme (or rime), inexact rhyme

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Case Study on ToyEdu. Creating Business Opportunity Essay

Case Study on ToyEdu. Creating Business Opportunity - Essay Example The company believes that their newly launched product will be a trend-setter in the toy industry. Its unique features will create attraction among the children in the initial stages. ToyEdu feels that the more the children can learn the basic educational tips, the more successful the company can be. ToyEdu’s objectives are very clear. It believes that the creative line of products waiting to be launched in the market of the United Kingdom will be the key to success. They wish to adopt strict financial controls that will reduce their operational cost, thus, enhancing their marginal cost. Furthermore, the company wishes to have a unique team of research and development, which will enable them to respond to the customer’s feedback and develop their products accordingly. The business plan that has been outlined in the proposal consists of the marketing and promotional strategy of the company to inform potential clients about the product. It includes few opportunities for t he business clients in toy industry who may be interested to buy the patent right of the product. The operational plan has been designed in such a way that will be suitable to meet the demand of both the segments, namely the individual consumers and the business clients. ... Traditionally, toys were considered as an equipment of amusement for the children. However, in the recent times, toys have been linked with education for creating the view that learning is fun. Thus, ToyEdu is initially targeting the UK markets, before spreading their businesses globally. Consisting of a handful of employees mostly in the manufacturing department, ToyEdu is looking forward to increase its client base all over the United Kingdom. The company claims to have a unique line of products which will be able to attract customers from different age groups. The financial strength of the company is not that strong compared to the competitors. Therefore, ToyEdu wants to see their company on the stock markets of the UK and establish its image as a renowned manufacturer of educational toys in the global markets. Market Requirement Analysis United Kingdom’s market for toys has been growing gradually. Lots of toys are being imported from the Asian countries especially from mai nland China as well as Hong Kong (Alibaba.com, 2012). Thus, the potential growth of a company producing toys in and around the UK is assumed to have an impact in the markets comprising of individual consumers and wholesalers. Therefore, a launch of products is intended to be made concerning both the segments. The company believes that their products will be able to attract the individual consumers who are the parents, grand parents and other near ones of a particular child. Additional to the individual consumers, the company also wants to target their products to the wholesalers such as schools, day-care centres and companies who are in the toy industry. It has been decided that traditional approach of

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Human Resources Dilema Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Human Resources Dilema - Assignment Example Failure to comply with Steven’s plea might lead to poor service delivery by the employee. The company should assess the consequences of such an adjustment to ensure that all the parties meet their objectives. 3) Didi is compliant with the provisions of the FLSA since; veronica is entitled to keep all her tips. Furthermore, the tips of veronica exceed the minimum tip of 30$ per month required by the FLSA so that an employee can be given less than the minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. FLSA is a federal statute act in the department of labor of the United States. The act introduced; a minimum wage of $7.25 per hour, 44 hours 7 days work week, prohibited child employment, and guaranteed pay for overtime. In 2007, the act was amended to provide for a minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. This minimum wage had exemptions to workers who are tipped, and allowed to keep all the tips. 4) The head teacher should not be worried since the school management is not violating any law set by OSHA. According to the provisions of the act, certain places of work are exempted from OSHA inspections because they lie outside the act. Most of these work places are regulated by the government. These include; mining workers, public sector, and some domestic workers or people whose work place is domestic. The school is regulated by the government department and hence it is exempt from inspections by OSHA

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The effects of sports participation on childrens achievements in Term Paper

The effects of sports participation on childrens achievements in school - Term Paper Example Schools that devote priorities to both academics and sports participation have indicated higher academic success. According to numerous research conducted, sports improve the ability of students in achieving excellence due to the already developed persistence. Both individual and team sports produce an exemplary outcome to academic excellence. Tabor (2014) conducted a study seeking to clarify the relationship between academic performance, sports, and weight classification. The study was conducted on a subset of children in four Chicago schools in the low-income regions. Of the total 129 participants, 48.1 percent took part in soccer while 51 percent of the participants did not. The two-year study involved both genders and varied racial categories. The types of sports participation were assessed with a checklist where the parents listed three of the sports their children participated. The sports were categorized into two: team sports and the individual sports. The team sports involved soccer and baseball while individual sports included swimming, biking, and skateboarding. The participants’ academic assessment was conducted using the teacher’s report form and an average rating calculated by averaging similar ranks.The study by Tabor (2014) indicated no correlation between academics and weight classification. However, the study showed differing findings on non-participants, individual sports, and team sports on academics. The ANOVA analysis showed a significant effect on academic ratings in math and reading.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Bristol Royal Infirmary 1984-1995 Public Inquiry

Bristol Royal Infirmary 1984-1995 Public Inquiry Thilini Nisansala Egoda Kapuralalage 1. Introduction A public inquiry is a review of an event or events that is conducted by the government body to find out what went wrong. Moreover, â€Å"an inquiry is a retrospective examination of events or circumstances, specially established to find out what happened, understand why, and learn from the experiences of all those involved† (Walshe, 2003). Bristol Royal Infirmary (BRI) inquiry is an example of inquiry which The inquiry is related to two teaching hospitals; the Bristol Royal Infirmary (BRI) and the Bristol Royal Hospital for Sick Children (BRHSC) and particularly the inquiry is related to congenital heart disease; babies with heart problems. The inquiry was carried out by a panel which was chaired by Professor Ian Kennedy from October 1998 to July 2001. 2. A summary of key information 2.1. Background information The National Health Service, in 1984, designated the Bristol Royal Infirmary and the Bristol Royal Hospital for Sick Children as a centre to provide paediatric cardiac surgeries to the infants under 1 year old. The Bristol Royal Infirmary performed open-heart surgeries while the Bristol Hospital for Sick Children performed closed-heart surgeries. Compared to other paediatric units in UK, Bristol did not have the required standard to perform the surgery. However, the decision to designate a paediatric unit in Bristol mainly made due to geographic issues that the patients had to undergo (Weick Sutcliffe). 2.2. Physical setting Physical setting of the hospital and operation theatre play a pivotal part in the inquiry. The location of BRI is noteworthy and it is located two block away from the BHC. Bristol Royal Infirmary conduct open heart surgeries in their hospital, while Bristol Hospital for Sick Children conduct closed heart operations in their hospital. Although the BRI conduct open heart surgeries, they lack cardiologists and they are in the BHC (Weick Sutcliffe). The operation theatre and ICU of BRI are located in two different floors. The ICU can access through an elevator and the elevator is non-dedicated. After conducting the surgery, the children are moved to sixth floor until they are stabilized. Then they are moved to BHC for further care and treatments (Weick Sutcliffe). 2.3. Administration and staff The CEO, Dr John Roylance directed the regional health authority and hospital board. Simply, these two parties relied on Dr John Roylance. On the other hand, Dr John Roylance relied on Dr James Wisheart who was â€Å"a man of many trades, holding other positions in BRI such as associate director of cardiac surgery and the chairman of the hospital’s medical committee† (Weick Sutcliffe). Furthermore, his patients were already on bypass before his arrival as he was normally late to his surgeries. In addition, Dr Janardan Dhasmana was another surgeon who was â€Å"described as self-critical, disengaged from his surgical team, and unaware of their importance as a â€Å"whole team. (Weick Sutcliffe). 2.4. Performance According to the experts, to maintain required expertise in the surgeries in a centre averagely 80-100 open heart surgeries should be conducted per year. But, the average case load of Bristol was lower than the minimal required cases. In addition, the performance of Bristol did not improve, while the performance of the all other centres began to improve. â€Å"Between 1988 and 1994, the mortality rate at Bristol for open-heart surgery in children under one was roughly double the rate of any other centre in England in five of the seven years. The mortality rate (defined as deaths within 30 days of surgery) between 1984 and 1989 for open-heart surgery under 1 at Bristol was 32.2% and the average rate for the other centres for the same period was 21.2%† (Weick Sutcliffe). Furthermore, the mortality rate increased up to 37.5% by the end of 1990. Also, according to the data analysis from 1990 to 1995, Bristol had approximately 30 and 35 excess deaths (Weick Sutcliffe). 3. Information about the issue 3.1. What happened? 3.2. How it happened? The series of incidents happened because of several reasons. First is the poor organisation of BRI. Open-heart surgery service had been provided in two sites where they lacked the proper staff to maintain the required care and treatment to the patients. Second is the lack of physical resources. The BRI was doing only the surgery and later they transferred the children into the BCH for further treatment. This cause to another issue of poor team work where the staff was not involved in the surgery and treatments effectively. Also, the BRI was using the same ICU for both adults and children. Third is the lack of information sharing with the parents and they were unaware of the relevant information (Hindle, Braithwaite, Travaglia, Iedema, 2006). 3.3. Who was involved? Few key figures were involved in the issue and they were Dr John Roylance, Dr James Wisheart, and Dr Janardan Dhasmana. First, Dr John Roylance was the CEO of the hospital but he had mentioned that he was unable to interfere with the work that were done by the surgeons. Moreover, he â€Å"chose to ignore warnings from whistle blower Steve Bolsin about the standard of operations being offered to young children† (BBC, 2003). Second, Dr James Wisheart was the director of the BRI and he claimed in an interview with BBC Radio 4’s that â€Å"the babies who died suffered from serious conditions and most had additional complications. He believed he would be vindicated in time† (BBC). Third person who was involved in Bristol was Dr Janardan Dhasmana and he was number two to Dr James Wisheart. He was responsible for over 29 deaths. Also, four babies were left brain damaged after the surgeries (Woods, 1998). 3.4. Reasons to failure There are several factors that caused the failure of surgeries at BRI. First is the poor team work which affects the performance of the work and final outcome. Effective team work plays a pivotal factor to succeed the surgery but it was absent at BRI. Second reason to failure is lack of openness. The system and culture of BRI was different and they did not encourage their staff to share their issues openly. â€Å"Those who tried to raise concerns found it hard to have their voice heard† (Kennedy, 2001). Third is the lack of human resources. There was a significant gap between the resources available at BRI and the required resources in the PCS unit. There were a shortage of staff from operating theatre and ICU. Furthermore, â€Å"the complement of cardiologists and surgeons was always below the level deemed appropriate by the relevant professional bodies. The consultant cardiologists lacked junior support† (Kennedy, 2001). Fourth is the lack of physical resources. The B RI and the BCH were located in two different places. The BRI conducted the surgeries and after that, the patients were transferred to the BCH for further treatment and care. In addition, the ICU at BRI was not properly organised and it was a mixed unit that cared for both adults and children (Kennedy, 2001). 3.4. Who discovered the problem? The performance of pediatric cardiac unit began to concern in early October of 1986 by a professor of the University of Wales. He reported to the Regional Health Authority about the unit’s performance and the authority concluded that the problem was related to the volume of cases. In addition, Dr Stephen Bolsin, a consultant anesthetist who joined the Bristol hospital in 1988, found few issues with the performances. What he noted was that surgeries done in BRI took a long time than usual and the babies were kept under the by-pass machine for a long time (Weick Sutcliffe). Apart from Bolsin’s complain to the colleagues, he reported this issue to Dr John Roylance, the CEO. But Bolsin did not receive positive reaction from the CEO about the issue. Moreover, a Pediatric Pathologist at Bristol wrote an article to report about the â€Å"post-mortem examinations of seventy-six Bristol children who had under gone surgery for congenital heart disease† (Weick Sutcliffe). In 1989, the article was publish in the Journal of Clinical Pathology. According to the article, â€Å"29 cases of cardiac anomalies and surgical flaws that contributed to death† (Weick Sutcliffe). Furthermore, several articles that criticised about the Bristol Paediatric were published in Private Eye (Weick Sutcliffe). 3.5. Why did it go undetected for the period of time? 4. Recommendations 4.1. Patient-centered health service Patients should be informed about the care that they are going to undergo. Several methods can be adhered to provide information to the patients. With relevant to the inquiry, it is evident that there were certain occasions that the communication between the staff and the parents was poor. During the treatments, some parents were given counselling, while some were not. However, â€Å"the United Bristol Healthcare Trust (UBHT) conceded in its evidence that the service it provided was insufficient to meet the needs of some parents† (Kennedy, 2001). Therefore, a good communication is required and the doctors should not judge what information should to be informed. It is parents who should make that decision (Hindle et al., 2006). 4.2. Safety and quality A safe and quality environment should be created to the patients. In Bristol, the arrangements, the state of equipment and buildings, and the training of the staff did not meet the required standard and these things were possible to create a damage to the service. To mitigate this, the authorities should remove the barriers to a safe and quality service while promoting the openness and publishing required standard of quality and care (Hindle et al., 2006; Kennedy, 2001). 4.3. Healthcare professionals’ competence Health service providers should possess the required standard of skills, expertise, and educational level. Furthermore, they are capable of good communication and team work. In Bristol, the system did not demand the professionals to keep their skills and knowledge up to date. 6. References BBC. Im not perfect, says Bristol surgeon Retrieved from http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/568511.stm BBC. (2003). The Bristol Babies Inquiry Retrieved from http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/1148390.stm Hindle, D., Braithwaite, J., Travaglia, J., Iedema, R. (2006). A comparative analysis of eight Inquiries in six countries. Kennedy, I. (2001). The report of the public inquiry into childrens heart surgery at the Bristol Royal Infirmary 1984-1995: learning from Bristol. Walshe, K. (2003). INQUIRIES: LEARNING FROM FAILURE IN THE NHS? : Weick, K. E., Sutcliffe, K. M. Hospitals as Cultures of Entrapment: A RE-ANALYSIS OF THE BRISTOL ROYAL INFIRMARY. Woods, M. (1998). Bristol heart scandal surgeon is dismissed Retrieved from http://www.independent.co.uk/news/bristol-heart-scandal-surgeon-is-dismissed-1197097.html pg. 1

Friday, October 25, 2019

Teaching Philosophy :: Education School Essays

Teaching Philosophy Children are our future and it has been a dream of mine to guide them into the right direction by the way of a good education. Having two children of my own, and preparing them for school, prompted me to want to achieve my goal of teaching. Watching their faces beam with pride as they learned something new, made me so proud. Teaching them preschool activities required research in knowing what I should teach to prepare them for elementary school. I used workbooks that I purchased from stores and I printed out worksheets from the Internet to help them learn. I considered myself a traditionalist; I directed the activities and had emphasis on a core curriculum that I planned for daily. After seeing them succeed from my teaching efforts, I decided I wanted to help other children succeed. I believe the purpose of education is to gain knowledge and to know how to use it to be successful in life. Without an education, a productive life cannot be had. I hope that I can always instill in my students the desire to want to know more and therefore become more knowledgeable. I want them to be excited about learning and not to look at school as a punishment. I want them to realize every goal they may have can be reached through a good education. I want to see all of my students succeed and I want them to know that I will do anything to help them. Anytime a student should need my guidance, I will do my best to help. I want them to not only gain knowledge, but to also have self-confidence and to be proud. I know, from experience, when a child is struggling in school, their self-confidence is low and their grades will reflect it. However, when a child finally grasps the knowledge he needs, his self esteem will soar as well as his grades. It's so important that s tudents feel good about themselves and I want to make sure I can do my part in making sure that happens. My classroom will reflect a realist philosophy. I will have a linear seating arrangement and they will all face the blackboard. Teaching Philosophy :: Education School Essays Teaching Philosophy Children are our future and it has been a dream of mine to guide them into the right direction by the way of a good education. Having two children of my own, and preparing them for school, prompted me to want to achieve my goal of teaching. Watching their faces beam with pride as they learned something new, made me so proud. Teaching them preschool activities required research in knowing what I should teach to prepare them for elementary school. I used workbooks that I purchased from stores and I printed out worksheets from the Internet to help them learn. I considered myself a traditionalist; I directed the activities and had emphasis on a core curriculum that I planned for daily. After seeing them succeed from my teaching efforts, I decided I wanted to help other children succeed. I believe the purpose of education is to gain knowledge and to know how to use it to be successful in life. Without an education, a productive life cannot be had. I hope that I can always instill in my students the desire to want to know more and therefore become more knowledgeable. I want them to be excited about learning and not to look at school as a punishment. I want them to realize every goal they may have can be reached through a good education. I want to see all of my students succeed and I want them to know that I will do anything to help them. Anytime a student should need my guidance, I will do my best to help. I want them to not only gain knowledge, but to also have self-confidence and to be proud. I know, from experience, when a child is struggling in school, their self-confidence is low and their grades will reflect it. However, when a child finally grasps the knowledge he needs, his self esteem will soar as well as his grades. It's so important that s tudents feel good about themselves and I want to make sure I can do my part in making sure that happens. My classroom will reflect a realist philosophy. I will have a linear seating arrangement and they will all face the blackboard.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Criminology Theory †Rational Choice Theory Essay

Rational choice theory was inspired in the 1700’s by a man name Cesare Beccaria, whose utilitarian views and ideas were accepted throughout Europe and the United States. This theory is also known as rational action theory meaning the framework for understanding and often formally modeling social and economic behavior. It is the dominant theoretical paradigm in microeconomics. It is also the central to modern political science and is used by scholars in other disciplines such as sociology and philosophy. Rational Choice Theory is used by social scientists to understand human behavior. This theory is the belief that man is a reasoning actor who weighs means and ends, costs and benefits, and makes a rational choice. Beccaria’s helped to eliminate cruel and unusual punishment in the nineteenth century, which at the time was very common, and formed the basis for the classical theory of crime, a school of thought that influenced the French Revolution and the establishment of the Eighth Amendment in the United States Constitution. Beccaria believed that people choose to engage in all behavior, criminal and non-criminal, and without the fear and certainty of severe punishment for criminal offenses. People will continue to choose to commit those crimes. Beccaria believed that all individuals possess free will. People use free will to make rational decisions, such as whether or not the personal benefits are worth the risk of violating the law by committing a crime. It is by free will that people are able to follow through with those â€Å"rational† decisions. To Beccaria, punishment should address prevention rather than revenge. He believed that the only way to deter criminals from continuing to commit more serious offenses is to ensure that the punishment is well suited for the crime. He believed the punishment should only be severe enough to outweigh the personal benefits gained from committing the crime. A British philosopher named Jeremy Bentham elaborated on Beccaria’s views and proposed the id ea that people choose their actions by whether or not they produce happiness and avoided  unpleasant conditions. With this theory laws were created to keep the community happy and punishment is only justified if it is used as a method of prevention. The popularity of the classical theory peaked in the 1800s but began to decline and was eventually neglected altogether by the majority of criminologists by the end of the twentieth century. During the mid-1970s, as positivist approaches towards the rehabilitation of known criminals began to prove ineffective, the popularity of the classical approach improved. Criminologists began to portray criminals to the public as rational planners who deserve to be punished. This modernized view of the classical school of criminology is now known as the rational choice theory and is used to explain why criminals commit crimes. According to the rational choice theory, criminals are people who share the same goals and ambitions as ordinary citizens, but choose to obtain those goals by illegitimate means. The rational choice theory is based on the assumption that before choosing to commit a crime, the criminal considers personal factors or motivation for the crime, such as their immediate need for benefits, revenge, or excitement, and also situational factors, such as the severity of the consequences and the risk of apprehension. The rationality described by rational choice theory is different from the colloquial and philosophical uses of rationality. Rationality means in colloquial language sane or in a thoughtful clear headed manner. Routine activity theory is a sub-field of rational choice criminology, which was developed by Marcus Felson. Routine activity theory says that crime is normal and depends on the opportunities available. For example after Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, meaning poverty, inequality and unemployment became a problem this gave people a reason to commit crimes.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of Fdi in India Essay

1 Dr S Narayan is Head of Research and Visiting Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of South Asian Studies (ISAS), an autonomous research institute at the National University of Singapore. He was formerly Economic Adviser to the Prime Minister of India. Dr Narayan can be contacted at snarayan43@gmail.com. The views expressed in this paper are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of ISAS. In September 2012, the Government of India announced several economic policy reform measures that included a move to allow 51 per cent foreign direct investment (FDI) in multi-brand retail. In the same announcement, it relaxed norms for foreign direct investment in the aviation sector, allowing international airlines to invest in domestic peers and cleared a slew of other reform-oriented measures – an increase of FDI in some broadcasting services. The issue of FDI in retail has attracted considerable political debate. The matter was first proposed by the Government in 2 010, but had to be withdrawn because of political opposition. This time, the Government appears to be firm in pushing the policy through. It is possible to adduce several reasons for the determination of the Government. First, the ruling United Progressive Alliance (UPA) Government, and in particular the Congress party, has been battered by allegations of corruption and scams all through 2012, and needs a breather to establish its authority to govern. The criticism in the foreign media and by academics that the Government has been in a state of policy paralysis, which has prevented it from taking even basic measures to improve governance, has hurt its image. 2 The crisis in coal supply for power generation and the poor progress of infrastructure projects have given the impression that executive decisions have come to a halt. On the trade front, the growing current account deficit, as well as the weakening of the rupee, has been seen as warning signals for the economy. The growing fiscal deficit, the inability to control expenditure on subsidies, and a slowing economy have caused international investors and rating agencies to downgrade expectations about the Indian economy. The latest GDP growth figures of 5.3 per cent are lower than the expectations of the Government and the Reserve Bank of India alike, and the persistent inflation is hurting the entire population, especially those with fixed incomes. There was, therefore, a need to induce some confidence about the economy. In the past, the current account deficit was bridged by FDI, inflows into capital markets, and through inwardremittances. Of these, the first two had seen a sharp drop in 2010 and 2011. The equity markets were trading 30 per cent below pre-2008 crisis levels, with little appetite for fresh capital issues. FDI was dropping steadily after 2008 and dropped to 40 per cent of the 2011-12 level in the subsequent year. The high fiscal deficit was also crowding out private borrowings. In short, there was need for a correction to infuse external capital into the economy by improving the sentiment in the financial markets and by giving a signal that could restore FDI flows. The reform announcements of September 2012 were an attempt at that. There were other arguments as well. The retail sector in India has been growing at a combined annual growth rate of 6.4 per cent over the period 1998-2010, and is estimated to be worth around Rs. 50,000 crores (US$ 10 billion) in 2010. However, the contribution of organised retail remains low. As against the United States, which has the organised to unorganised ratio of 85:15, in India, it is only 10:90. Organised retail has been growing rapidly and is expected to have a share of 22 per cent before 2017. There are also several consumption-related growth drivers for retail. India’s per capita income, in real terms, has doubled between 2000 and 2011, and income levels are expected to triple in nominal terms in the next 20 years. Average real household income has grown at an annual rate of 3.8 per cent from 1985 to 2005. The middle class population as defined at an income level of Rs. 200,000 and above at the 2000- price level is expected to increase to 40 per cent of the population b y 2025. Per household consumption expenditure has also doubled in the last decade along with rising income levels. The fast pace of urbanisation is also changing consumption patterns. As per the United Nations’ state of the populations report, 40 per cent of India’s population is expected to reside in urban agglomerates by 2030. Finally, the demographic pattern of the population, with 60 per cent of the population at 35 years or less, is driving consumption towards more modern, technologically advanced products that are the strength of modern retail outlets. In terms of the share of the various sectors in the retail industry in India, clothing and food have a share of 38.1 per cent and 11.5 per cent respectively, according to the IBEF retail report 2011. 3 As per the Indian Government’s announced policy, FDI in multi-brand retail is to be allowed only in towns which have a population of more than one million, which restricts the entry to around 35 cities. The minimum amount to be brought in by the foreign player is US$ 100 million; 50 per cent of the total FDI brought in should be invested in back-end infrastructure such as processing, logistics, warehousing and improvements in manufacturing. Fresh agricultural products may be unbranded. FDI in multi-brand retail trading in the form of e-commerce would not be permissible. Asset creation is expected to be done primarily by the foreign player. The advantage, from the Government’s point of view, is an increased opportunity for employment. It is estimated that organised retail has created over 1.5 million jobs in the period 2005-2009. The quality of employment is also superior to the opportunities in the unorganised sector. The organised sector would make a higher contributio n to tax revenues through increased VAT and eventually, GST revenues. From the point of view of customers, they are likely to get better products, lower defective items, increased choice and quality of products, and the availability of global products in local markets. For the farmers, there would be a reduction in the level of intermediaries, improvement in supply chain management, requisite infrastructure in cold chain, warehousing and transportation logistics, technological improvements in crop production, and rational and fair pricing of products. The limitation of applicability to cities with a population of one million or more implies that this would be applicable only to 35 cities in 15 states. These are Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Delhi, Gujarat, Haryana, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal. It is also stipulated in the policy that State Governments and Union Territories would be free to take thei r own decisions in regard to the implementation of the policy. In perspective, this policy appears to have several significant positives. It is an executive decision, well within the purview of the executive, with no need for parliamentary approval. First, on the economic side, this would lead to modernisation of retail and investment in technology, logistics and the value chain. Second, there would be opportunities of greater, higher quality of employment. Third, multiplier effects can be had in the domestic economy in the fields of warehousing, transportation and ancillary activities. Fourth, this opens up opportunities for improving the quality of employment in these sectors. Fifth, there is an assurance of greater revenue mobilisation. Sixth, this would lead to more inward capital flows and investments. Against this backdrop, there has been strong opposition to the move and political parties are lined up to oppose the move. One of the members of the UPA, the Trinamool Congress, has walked out of the alliance on this issue, leaving the Government technically in parliamentary minority, though they have the outside support of two major parties from Uttar Pradesh. 4 The opposition puts forth several arguments. First, that unorganised retail in India is run by a large number of small entrepreneurs who serve the immediate neighbourhood, and who would be driven out of business by the advent of large supermarkets. There is evidence that this has happened in some states in the US and in smaller towns in the United Kingdom and Australia. The small stores would not have the technological capability or the financial muscle to compete on equal terms with the large retail chains, and hence would be at a disadvantage. The strength of small retail lies in familiarity with the customer, that enables credit transactions to take place and provides for customer conveniences like small quantities and home delivery, which would not be possible from a large retail chain. Further, the very nature of large retail investment would require large real estate space, requiring transportation and higher transaction volumes. Therefore the concept is elitist, available only to a select few in the higher income ranges, and not of use to the common man, who constitutes of over 50 per cent of the rural and small-town consumers. So runs the argument. Secondly, it is contended that farmers would be at a disadvantage. The large retailers would be in a position to enforce supply contracts that would push farm prices down, thus affecting farmer’s incomes. Third, the tendency to stock mass-manufactured goods would lead to more imported goods being on offer, to the disadvantage of local manufacturers. Finally, the smaller retail stores are able to offer employment to even unskilled workers, of whom there are plenty in India. The employment requirement in large multi-brand retail stores would be for the better skilled, thus driving the poorer out of employment. These are some of the other arguments being advanced. Existing traders are lobbying hard with their own state governments against the introduction of FDI in retail. At the same time, large local retailers, who have multi-brand shops, do not also want the international names to come in, as they fear they would not be able to meet the competition. At the level of media, and even at the political level, these arguments are more in the realm of opinions and estimation, and not based on any hard analytical evidence. Firstly, the FDI retail shops would be set up in only 35 towns in the country, thus leaving most of the smaller retail shops untouched. Further, even in the larger urban centres, the requirement of real estate for these large stores is likely to be such that only a small number would be set up in each town. The advent of mod ern malls and composite shopping centres has not, in the last decade, disturbed local shopping habits or shopping centres. Rather, it has catered to a different class of young, urban consumers who are looking for products that are usually not available at traditional retail stores. It is also difficult to argue that retailing in India does not need to modernise, along with the economy, and that modern warehousing, inventory management and efficient logistics will not be of advantage to the consumer. Finally, it is also curious that there is little objection to multi-brand retail if it is owned by Indian retailers; the objection is only to FDI in retail. Perhaps this is because local large retailers do not want to face international brand competition. It is also 5 curious that there is little objection to FDI in single-brand goods. The fear of mom and pop stores being displaced and branded retail taking over the entire retail segment is perhaps overstated. It is of course possible that the arguments are entirely in the realm of politics. No doubt the strong lobbies of the existing small retailers as well as the established Indian multi-brand retailers are adding to the fervour of the arguments, but the epicentre of the issue appears to be the political scene. Currently, the UPA has lost a major ally in the Lok Sabha, key lower house of national Parliament, and depends on the support of Samajwadi Party and Bahujan Samaj Party, two opposing parties in Uttar Pradesh (against both of whom the Congress fought in the recent state elections). In the upper house, the Rajya Sabha, the Government does not have the numbers for the vote. The ruling alliance, as already mentioned, has been weakened in 2012 by complaints of non-performance and a number of allegations of corruption: it is perhaps natural for the opposition parties to press home their advantage when the UPA is weak. There is little to be achieved as the FDI decision is an executive decision, unlikely to bring down the Government. So, this political tussle would only reveal the combination of political forces and allies in a kind of muscle-flexing for the next General elections, now slated for in 2014 in the normal course. The downside would be that international confidence in governance in India would be further weakened, and in fact, may lead to reluctance to invest in India. It is therefore vital that the Government should sail through these discussions and win a decisive vote in Parliament. . . FDI in Retail sector in India: How does this affect you? Health & Lifestyle by Editor Retailing defines the direct interface between the manufacturers and the end users who are basically individual consumers. The retail business owners stock up all goods after purchasing it directly from the manufacturers and then sell it to individual customers keeping a profit margin for themselves. Of late the retailing industry in India has bloomed with much coveted success causing positive impact on the national economy. As per the recent revelations by the popular International Management Consultancy AT Kearney, India has been considered the second most lucrative destinations of the world for retail business. Read what is FDI and buzz around it In India, retailing industry is segregated into two classes- organized retailing and unorganized retailing. Organized retailing entails trading conducted by licensed retailers and unorganized retailing includes all types of low cost trading like local shops, small roadside stores and temporary shops or door to door selling of various goods.Until now, according to the Indian retailing laws, Foreign Direct Investment in multi-brand retail market was prohibited. But government is thinking to open the FDI in retail in India which implies that foreign investment in retailing is possible up to 51%. Now the announcement of retail FDI in India has triggered a series of debates on both positive and negative notes and become political issue. So let’s discuss these things, what all this means to you through advantages and disadvantages: Advantages of FDI in retail sector in India: †¢ Growth in economy: Due to coming of foreign companies’ new infrastructure will be build, thus real estate sector will grow consequently banking sector, as money need to be required to build infrastructure would be provided by banks. †¢ Job opportunities: Estimates shows that this will create about 80Lakh jobs. These career opportunities will be created mostly in retail, real estate. But it will create positive impact on others sectors as well. Read about career options in Retail sector†¦.. †¢ Benefits to farmers: In most cases, in the retailing business, the intermediaries have dominated the interface between the manufacturers or producers and the consumers. Hence the farmers and manufacturers lose their actual share of profit margin as the lion’s share is eaten up by the middle men. This issue can be resolved by FDI, as farmers might get contract farming where they will supply to a retailer based upon demand and will get good cash for that, they need not to search for buyers. †¢ Benefits to consumers: Consumer will get variety of products at low prices compared to market rates, and will have more choice to get international brands at one place. †¢ Lack of infrastructure in the retailing chain has been one of the common issues in India for years which has led the process to an incompetent market mechanism. For example, in spite of India being one of the largest producers of vegetables and fruits, lack of proper count of cold storages has significantly affected the selling of these perishable items. FDI might help India overcome such issues by channelizing the resources in the right manner. †¢ In the last years, the Public distribution system is proved to be significantly ineffective. In spite of the fact that the government arranged for subsidies, the food inflation has caused its negative impact continuously and it can be handled by FDI. Disadvantages of FDI in retail sector in India: †¢ According to the non-government cult, FDI will drain out the country’s share of revenue to foreign countries which may cause negative impact on India’s overall economy. †¢ The domestic organized retail sector might not be competitive enough to tackle international players and might loose its market share. †¢ Many of the small business owners and workers from other functional areas may lose theirjobs, as lot of people are into unorganized retail business such as small shops. However the government is quite stringent on this issue and determined to allow FDI in India. The actual impacts would be observed over time and till then the laymen have nothing but to hope for the best! Walmart Lobbying and Political Corruption in Retail FDI: Recent reports presented by Walmart to US Govt. revealed that it spend Rs. 125 cr in lobbying Indian lawmakers to get access to Indian market. These facts are serious, if Govt. is doing all this in favour of bribery and money then results might not be good as it is projected. Since Walmart will continue to mould things in their favour by lobbying and bribery as political corruption is well known in Indian politics. They can be purchased easily. Showing Results For â€Å"disadvantages of fdi in retail† DIPP circulates Cabinet note on relaxing FDI norms for housing sector 16 Sep 2013 FacebookTweetShareThisEmail [pic] New Delhi: The Commerce and Industry Ministry has circulated a draft Cabinet note on relaxing FDI norms for the housing sector, which proposed easing the three-year lock-in period among other things. 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FDI in brownfield pharma, brownfield pharma, FDI, Foreign Investment Promotion Board, Reserve Bank of India, latest news, CPI shares dais with BJP over FDI in retail 08 Mar 2013 FacebookTweetShareThisEmail [pic] Leaders of BJP and Left Front shard the dais in Ram Lila Ground to oppose the Central Government’s decision allowing Foreign Direct Investment in retail sector. FDI in retail, Retail FDI, BJP, CPI, Rajnath Singh , Stilettos: High on fashion, low on health 26 Jul 2013 FacebookTweetShareThisEmail [pic] New Delhi: The tick-tack of high heels usually spells high-end fashion! But do you know that wearing stilettos on a regular basis entails health hazards? Experts say slipped disc, knee arthritis and plantar fasciitis (a painful inflammation on the sole of the foot) are common problems faced by women who wear them on regular basis. Stilettos, side effects of Stilettos, Stilettos health hazard, disadvantages of Stilettos, health woes of Stilettos, – See more at: http://post.jagran.com/search/disadvantages-of-fdi-in-retail/4#sthash.o6mEEjXv.dpuf Showing Results For â€Å"disadvantages of fdi in retail† NDA will roll back FDI in retail if voted to power: Rajnath 13 Mar 2013 FacebookTweetShareThisEmail [pic] Rollback of FDI in multi-brand retail will be the top priority of NDA coalition if it is voted to power in the next general elections, BJP chief Rajnath Singh said on Wednesday. Rajnath Singh, FDI in retail, NDA, FDI in multi-brand retail, protest against FDI in retail, FDI rises 25 percent to six-month high of USD 2.32 billion in April 15 Jul 2013 FacebookTweetShareThisEmail [pic] Foreign direct investment (FDI) into India increased 25 percent year-on-year to USD 2.32 billion in April, the highest level in the past six months. In April 2012, the country had received FDI worth USD 1.85 billion, according to data from the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP). Fdi, fdi increases by 25pc, foreign inflows, fdi in India, liberalizing fdi, Walmart continues US lobbying on ‘FDI in India’ 23 Apr 2013 FacebookTweetShareThisEmail [pic] Walmart continued to lobby with the American lawmakers over Indian retail FDI rules during the first quarter of 2013, even as a probe is underway into the global retail giant’s US lobbying activities for facilitating its India entry. Walmart lobbying in US, FDI in India, Indian retail FDI rules, Foreign Direct Investment, Government clears IKEA’s Rs 10,500 crore FDI proposal 03 May 2013 FacebookTweetShareThisEmail [pic] The government on Thursday allowed Swedish furniture major IKEA to invest Rs 10,500 crore—the biggest ever FDI proposal in single brand retail– for setting up home furnishing stores in the country. FDI proposal, IKEA, Swedish furniture major, Single brand retail, Manmohan Singh, Cabinet Committee on Economic Affair , Karbonn A29 available on e-retail sites 23 Jul 2013 FacebookTweetShareThisEmail [pic] New Delhi: Karbonn has rolled out its new Karbonn A29 for sale on online retail stores for a price of Rs 8990. However, the device has not been officially launched. Karbonn A29, Android 4.1, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, Karbonn, FDI in retail 06 Oct 2012 FacebookTweetShareThisEmail [pic] FDI in retail is being projected as a panacea for all the ills plaguing agriculture. It is expected to raise farmers income, remove middlemen, help consumers get a low price, and of course remove the massive wastage that we see in the farm supply chain. FDI, FDI in retail, economic reforms, UPA, Devinder Sharma blogs, Jagran blogs, Govt raises FDI limits in 12 sectors, clears 100 pc foreign investment in telecom 17 Jul 2013 FacebookTweetShareThisEmail [pic] The Central Government has liberalized the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) limits in several sectors on Monday, opening the doors for foreign investments. It has approved 100 percent raise in the telecom sector and also increased the limits in other sectors, mainly to boost up the national economy. Foreign direct investment, FDI, 100 percent FDI in telecom, FDI limit in 12 sectors, FDI in Telecom, Telecom FDI, India reforms, FDI liberalization, US welcomes India’s FDI decisions 20 Jul 2013 FacebookTweetShareThisEmail [pic] Washington: Ahead of Vice President Joe Biden’s visit, the US has welcomed India’s decision to increase foreign direct investment in key sectors like defence, telecom and insurance. FDI in India, FDI reforms in India, FDI cap in India, Indian economy, Walmart , NCP not to allow FDI in retail in Maharashtra 05 Dec 2012 FacebookTweetShareThisEmail [pic] Even as it voted in favour of FDI in retail, UPA’s key constituent NCP on Wednesday struck a discordant note by saying that it did not support implementation of the decision in Maharashtra. Praful Patel, FDI in Maharashtra, FDI vote, FDI debate, FDI in Maharashtra, BJP vows to oppose FDI in retail till its last breath 07 Mar 2013 FacebookTweetShareThisEmail [pic] Assuring support to the traders opposing the Congress-led government’s decision to allow FDI in retail, BJP leader Arun Jaitley said on Thursday that his party would oppose the move till its â€Å"last breath†. – See more at: http://post.jagran.com/search/disadvantages-of-fdi-in-retail/5#sthash.9m02kf4N.dpuf Raising FDI caps to boost Indian economy 17 Jul 2013 FacebookTweetShareThisEmail [pic] The series of foreign direct investment proposal approved by the Union Cabinet in key areas of defence, insurance and telecom along with others would provide the much needed boost to the Indian economy, a top Indian industry leader has said. Fdi, Cii, fdi approved by union cabinet, indian economy, fdi in defence, fdi in telecom, Arvind Kejriwal seeks referendum on FDI in retail 08 Dec 2012 FacebookTweetShareThisEmail [pic] Social activist Arvind Kejriwal who recently launched the Aam Aadmi party on Saturday demanded a referendum on FDI in retail. Arvind Kejriwal, referendum on FDI, FDI in retail, FDI vote, FDI debate , FDI in retail will be good if it benefits farmers:Kalam 15 Dec 2012 FacebookTweetShareThisEmail [pic] Former President Dr APJ Abdul Kalam on Friday said FDI in retail would be good if it benefits lakhs of farmers in the country. APJ Abdul Kalam, FDI in Retail, Indian Farmers, RLD speaks in favour of FDI in retail 05 Dec 2012 FacebookTweetShareThisEmail [pic] Lending support to foreign direct investment (FDI) in multi-brand retail, the Rashtriya Lok Dal (RLD) on Wednesday said the move will not destroy small manufacturers and farmers. Jayant Chaudhury, RLD, FDI in retail, FDI debate, FDI vote, SC expresses concern over FDI policy, seeks government’s response 22 Jan 2013 FacebookTweetShareThisEmail [pic] Expressing its concern over the Parliament’s nod to the Foreign Direct Investment in multi-bran retails, the Supreme Court on Tuesday asked the Centre to file its response within five weeks on how it intends to safeguard interests of small traders after FDI is allowed in retail sector. Supreme Court, FDI in retail, FDI policy, PM to discuss FDI related issues with Cabinet members today 16 Jul 2013 FacebookTweetShareThisEmail [pic] Prime Minister Manmohan Singh will on Tuesday evening discuss the proposal to hike foreign investment caps in sectors like telecom, retail and defence with his senior Cabinet colleagues. Manmohan Singj, FDI cap in India, Hike in FDI cap, FDI in India, FDI in different sectors in India , Government open to debate on FDI in retail: Kamal Nath 26 Nov 2012 FacebookTweetShareThisEmail [pic] The government was open to discussions on foreign direct investment (FDI) in retail, Parliamentary Affairs Minister Kamal Nath said on Monday ahead of an all-party meeting on the ongoing logjam in the Parliament. Kamal Nath, FDI, FDI in retail, FDI in Parliament, Parliamentary panel suggests revival of pharmaceutical PSUs 16 Aug 2013 FacebookTweetShareThisEmail [pic] New Delhi: A Parliamentary Committee has suggested revival of pharmaceutical public sector undertakings like HAL and IDPL for large scale production of affordable generic medicines to be provided to common man. Pharmaceutical public sector undertakings, Pharmaceutical companies, FDI in Pharmaceutical Sector, generic medicines, generic medicines supply, Latest news, FDI in retail: Small shops giving competition to big retailers 27 Feb 2013 FacebookTweetShareThisEmail [pic] Traditional retailers are giving a strong competition to organised retailers and the decision to permit foreign retailers to open stores in the country will not affect small players in India, the government said on Wednesday. FDI in retail, Economic survey 2012-13, Unorganised retail sector, Kirana stores , Last word on FDI in retail has not been said: BJP 12 Jan 2013 FacebookTweetShareThisEmail [pic] BJP on Friday said the last word has not yet been said on the FDI in multi-brand retail issue and the party would revisit the decision of the UPA government if it comes to pow – See more at: http://post.jagran.com/search/disadvantages-of-fdi-in-retail/6#sthash.AYmUF1Bg.dpuf